Hola! It's been a while! Man life really does move fast. It's been hard to keep up, but today was a good day.
I'm sure this topic is nothing far from the brain to most my age....you know that age when you truly start to see life for what it is....fast! I for one am VERY ocd...and he'll I'll admit it I'm not very happy about big life changes. Honestly, it all scares the he'll out of me. But I've decided, well this crazy year decided to teach me a lesson. It is that things happen for a reason & while I may not agree I have to go with it. This year has really tested me.
Today we had a baby shower for my little brother Zack. Yes, the little boy that I use to bathe, feed, spank & put to bed. The little boy that I always tried to protect.Today was hard, while I've known it was coming, it's still tough. The thought of my little babies growing up is so hard. I think I get that way because, bluntly, its not the vision I had for that little boy I helped raise. But thats just it I have to learn to agree with the paths put in my loved ones lives. It's a controlling thing, I vision that the only "good" path is the one I've put together....because I think its best, but really? Do I have that say? No, and thats what I've got to grip. I've got to help him in this situation & help him grow with it. That is what I take away from today. Im proud of him & I'll be even more proud when I watch him offically become a father to my 1st niece Za'kiah. Brother I won't let you fail ..don't worry, this is your path, I'll just be right by you to guide & help as I always have.
If you are having trouble accepting things. Just know they will be what they are. You cannot force what isn't meant to be. Make the best of what you can for you & remember it's happening for a reason learn the lesson & keep up!
......God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change those that I can, and wisdom to know the difference.