Saturday, November 8, 2014

Mini love of my life

Today is a  great day. It's Dalen Asher Wilkins 4th birthday! Who just happens to be the best stepson on earth. I'm 99.9% sure of it.

4 years ago, I loved this little boy before I knew him. And although this was probably the scariest day of my life I have such fond memories. The moment dom left the me to go to Little Rock I knew our lives were changing forever. I had 7 or so months to prepare. I know you'd think why would she have to prep, right? No! Eventhough I was not physically responsible for him, I was emotionally attached to the life of him. The thought, fortune & soul of this little boy were in my heart well before he'd taken his first breath. I know weird situation & there is no book, guide or song that artfully explains how this should work. So you bet I was so confused. The love his father, Dom and I had was undiffusable. Although we'd previously tried to call it quits.....for about 6mths to be exact. That's not what was meant to be. While the timing of our "re dating" phase couldn't have been at a worse. I believe it was just meant to be. Imagine this man had to tell me he loved me, wanted to be with me & that he was having a child with someone else all in the same breath. As much as people will think poor Christa at this point, I knew how hard Dom was dealing with it & as much as wanted to walk away single, young & free....nothing in my being would let me. Completely a magnetic connection. I was drawn to him. Hell I still am! Every single day. Only difference now is I get to help with the upbringing & life of Dalen. I wouldn't have it any other way. He is my joy! Bad love story? It really isnt. Eventhough the enitre structure is a day to day process. Dalen makes it all worth it. I've enjoyed being in this journey and I can't wait to watch him grow up to be a loving, caring, respectful, smart, athletic & passionate man just like his wonderful daddy. Thank you baby for being such a great daddy for the last 4 years. He really is a blessed little boy & I know he knows it. :) I love you more than I feel I can wordly explain Dalen. Daddy & Christa love you so much HAPPY 4 YEARS NINJA DALEN!

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