Thursday, January 8, 2015


I'm a huge fan of DIYs. And we'll some things turn out like a train crash where all the containers pile up. But.....There are some other projects that flow perfectly to the destination & turn out great! One of my biggest diy projects I have right now is my hair! I have taken the last few months to really repair & protect my locks. About 1 1/2 ago I was victim to a horrible hair dresser. Well at the time I left I had no idea how damaged my hair was. To give a little background. I have ALWAYS enjoyed artistically trying things on my hair. In junior high I was blonde, high school I cut it short & through college it was a major canvas.  I went pitch black, burgundy, red, half blond/half black & dark brown. I mean just putting on all these chemicals. I'm guessing the timing of this appointment was ALL THE WAY wrong. She left the color shine on too long & that combined with a particular time in my life where the texture might have been changing & super stress at work just killed my hair. I mean it would barely form curls. And I mean my hair has always had the best natural tightest curls ever! The day I realized how bad it was I cried. Lol It was the end of an era as I knew it. A few months past and it was just breaking off. It was horrible. I had a friend suggest getting sew in extentions to try and let it grow and break off more naturally instead of putting heat on it everyday. So I did for about a year. I loved that. It was really expensive, cause if I was going to wear fake hair & mines had always been so pretty I'm going to have the VERY BEST! The extensions were really low maintenance & still looked natural with my texture. The take down process was a massacare. I basically got to see the murder process of my hair. Every time I took it down and combed it out all of the dead hair would be lying in my sink & I'd just pout. So after the wedding I cleaned out all of my commercial hair products put the weave away & started a cleansing process. I only use organic hair shampoo & conditioner. I have a few brands I really like & I've also tried making my own. But the condition formulas I found have been the best. 

My maintenance process.
1) Try to not put heat on it. Find alternative hair styles.

2) Use organic products. This eliminates the bad chemicals/ingredients that dont heal the hair. ( recommended products below)

3) Wash & condition your hair twice a week. I do Sundays & Wednesdays.

4) One of those Conditions need to be a deep condition.  (Recepies below)

5) Grease/condition the scalp every other night. (Suggestions below)

6) Braid or roll the hair at night at least twice a week. This will hold the condition in tight with the hair.

7) Have a silk pillow cover. This allows the products to stay in the hair more & not be soaked by the cotton pilow case.

8) Get a trim every 6 weeks. This doesn't cost much. Most places cost $10. I'd recommend using this repair time to look for a hair stylist if you don't currently have one. Tell your story. Make sure they understand you are rebuilding not a test trial on cuts or color. If they are recommending these things they may not have your hairs best interest. 


*Shea Moisture (available at Walmart now)
*Dr. Broner
*Avalon Organics
*Clarifying cleanser mix 1/4 cup of baking soda, 1/2 cup of water & 1/4 apple cider vinegar in a bottle
* Basic poo 1/3 cup of baby shampoo, 1/4 coconut oil & 1tsp vitamin e

*Avocado deep conditioner, one avocado pitted & mashed mixed with 1/4 cup of olive oil & 1 egg yolk. Overnight mask leave out the egg.

*Yogurt mask conditioner
1/4 cup Plain Yogurt &  half a banana

*Protein mask
1/4 cup of mayo, 2 TBS olive oil & 1 TBS pure honey

*Oil overnight
Heat 2TBS olive oil & coconut  oil for 30 seconds.  (overnight place shower cap &towel over hair)

*Growth treatment
2TBS ginger juice & 2Tbs coconut oil. Apply to scalp.

*Shea Moisture
* Organic coconut oil
*Pure Olive oil

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