Thursday, August 28, 2014


Hello world, this is my 1st official blog! I'm not going to lie I'm a little excited, but also nervous about beginning this process. There are three particular reasons for this blog. First and probably the closest to my heart is for the purpose of creating a memoir. 6 months ago I lost one of the most important people to me. My grandma, Nancy Louise Perkins. This was really the 1st major loss I've experienced. And while I still feel like the grieving process is a daily part of my life, I think this will deflect some of that anxiety. Of course I have many memories of her, but I think a more tangible imitation would have been beneficial. So this is my attempt to provide the important people in my life just that a tangible cognitive result. Another reason, would be accountability. Whether I gain a following on this blog or not putting these thoughts and plans out in the big world of the web will somehow hold me accountable to goals I have for myself & my family. Both short and long term. Lastly, while some really bad things have happened this year a really amazing thing happened. I married the love of my life on May 3rd. I started a family! A family that I am very proud of. Basically I love the life that I'm living and I want to share my experiences with the world!. Consider this my way of shouting it to the world.

While my life is not completely filled with everyday excitement I definitely have a lot to tell. I'm the eldest of 5 siblings, I'm 26, married to wonderful man, have a adorable step son & I work for the largest retailer in the world. I think I can find some topics within this life! Hope you enjoy this journey with me.