Monday, September 15, 2014

Who is your Superman?

I believe everyone has a story & everyone's stories have trials & triumph. Whether big or small. A part of my story creates the character that I call superman. When I was a senior in high school the scariest thing happened. I was pulled out of school to find out one of my parents was in the hospital with very minor details. It was my daddy. I immediately assumed the worst. As a child my dad was the most masculine person I knew. I'm sure as every little girl pictures their daddy. Everything about him seemed invincible. He was strong, athletic, popular & handsome. 
After his accident he was told he'd never walk again. I thought well that is taking the man I've known completely out of him. I was scared....who would he be now, to me, to his peers & most importantly to himself.  Throughout his time in rehab he kept pushing the limits & setting higher goals. Before we knew it he was taking strides with a cool machine! I was so proud. Once he officially got back home it didn't take him long to mention he was joining a wheelchair basketball league. I was stoked. I knew he'd played basketball before he was confined to this chair, but I never thought of wheelchair sports! Perfect hobby. Then, he mentioned wheelchair tennis. I honestly didn't think much would come of it. Before I knew it I was bidding on chairs & racks from ebay. It was almost instantaneous he began traveling to tournaments. However, I've yet to see him play, he never tells me which we will have to fix! He recently competed in the U.S. Open wheelchair championship. Where he won both the singles & doubles title in the C division!  I'm so proud of him, but most importantly I want people to take an amazing message from this...."you can get bitter, or you can get better" a friend told him that & he says it motivated him. From this I want others to know that just because you are confined doesn't mean you can't put yourself out there. Specific to the sports you will benefit mentally, physically & socially. But it's not just sports that are out there. Get out and experiment.  Just like my dad who learned a new sport in adulthood with a physical limit & is dominating & so can you! 
Here are some great starting points for research & ideas!!!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Flashback Friday!!

Today is Northside's 1st football game of the season. Yes, I graduated in 2006, but it's important to me because this will be my "baby" brothers 1st game as a high schooler.  I have 5 siblings & all of us blazed through those halls! He is the last of a dying

As I sat back and thought about many memories crossed. I had such an amazing time in high school. I did so much & was involved in so much. I realize I was truly blessed to be able to do so. Everything from acceptance, ability, financially & opportunity allowed me to do those things. I definitely didnt take those years for granted. To be honest those years shaped me. Went through so much. And yet I'm sure every high schooler can say the same, but it was pretty crazy. I think without being so involved & busy I may have struggled on everything I did in college....but i didnt! For my experiences & my siblings NHS will always be close to my heart....However I am NOT happy about this 10 year reunion coming up. Too fast! Enjoy some of my high school memories.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A production

This weekend I can say was a full length  "christa production". Shall I explain? It's when I get an eager determination to finish something; yet it comes with some sporadic adhd symptoms. I'm sure if you've ever shopped with me you've seen this. Like one minute I have a goal to find shoes for a specific outfit. My plan is to run into as many stores as possible to weigh my options.  Which are price, cuteness & comfortability.  Somewhere along the way I find a entire new outfit because it's "cheap or cuter". This happend this weeknd, but for a different genre......The new house!!! Dom & I just moved to our beautiful new home and I'm slowly trying to decorate it. My sole purpose of Saturday errands was to find shelves for a bookcase I just bought. 1st problem, Dom was watching football so i was on my own....which is scary. my 1st stop was to be Lowes, however on my way I stopped at 2 garage sales. Never a good idea if you are on a mission. Reason being I started on a trail of them stopping at 4 before making it to Lowes. But of course I found a good deal.....set of 8 garden pots $8. From there my mission was to get gardening suppiles. Finally made it to Lowes. Then, while in lowes I seen on Facebook yard sale site that someone seen abandoned pallets which I need for a outside project. So I left to go find them in the hills of Bell Vista. When I got there I realized my car wasn't big enough nor could I carry them. So I left & stopped at 2 more garage sales on the way back down. On that same site I seen a headboard that I really wanted so I contacted the get my gist? Basically my whole day was derailed.  But I do have some accomplishments from the long labor day weekend. Although my bookshelf is still shelfless, I painted an antique dresser we bought, took ownership of some plants & finished decorating our bedroom....for now :)
See my completed project.